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Han Laboratory

Welcome to epigenetic cancer biology lab! Our research is focused on how behavioral risk factors cause liver diseases. We mainly focus on how sleep pattern or diet factors play roles in liver diseases. We want to see how these behavioral risk factors reflected in molecular level, specifically in DNA methylation, miRNA expression and so on. We are actively recruiting students who are interested in working in my lab. If you

·      are interested in working in a friendly environment;

·      want to gear up your GPA in your transcript;

·      need some active learning experiences;

·      want to gain some biological working experience that looks cool in your resume;

·      want to study how lifestyle affect our health;

·      want to more about gene regulation mechanisms;

·      would like to work in a friendly environment;

·      are available at least 4 hours a week;

Please contact me at yuyan.han@nigzob.com.